Competitiveness ranking jumped 21 places to
STATUS Malaysia's competitiveness jumped to the 21st of the 26 previously, thus placing a row of major developed countries in the top 25 most competitive countries in the world.
Among countries in Asia Pacific, Malaysia is the sixth most competitive after Singapore, Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Australia, while among ASEAN countries were in second place after Singapore.
STATUS Malaysia's competitiveness jumped to the 21st of the 26 previously, thus placing a row of major developed countries in the top 25 most competitive countries in the world.
Among countries in Asia Pacific, Malaysia is the sixth most competitive after Singapore, Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Australia, while among ASEAN countries were in second place after Singapore.
At No 21, Malaysia over the past five countries are in a better position of Israel (to 22), Luxembourg (to 23), Korea (24th), New Zealand (25) and the United Arab Emirates (27th).
Twenty countries are on Malaysia are mostly developed nations with Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita as well as in the development category at the level of innovation.
The top ten countries are Switzerland, Singapore, Sweden, Finland, the United States, Germany, Holland, Denmark, Japan and the United Kingdom and many of them already at a level to produce innovative goods and services using the global standard and the latest technology.
According to the Global Competitiveness Report (GCR), published 2011-2012 World Economic Forum (WEF) in Geneva, Switzerland, yesterday, increase Malaysia's competitiveness ranking is the result of overall improvements achieved.
Competitive position of the 142 countries studied was based on the WEF's Global Competitiveness Index (GCI measured using the 12 core.
The Core Institutions, Infrastructure, Macroeconomic Environment, Health and Primary Education, Higher Education and Training, Goods Market Efficiency, Labour Market Efficiency, Financial Market Development, Technological Readiness, Market Size, Business Sophistication and Innovation.
In the WEF's latest study, Malaysia recorded improvements in nine of the 12 core with a core index showing significant increases include the Labour Market Efficiency, Macro-economic environment, institutions, Goods Market Efficiency and Higher Education and Training.
Commenting on the performance, speaking at a press conference in Kuala Lumpur yesterday, Minister of International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Mustapa Mohamed, said Malaysia has shown remarkable performance when its up five rungs from last year to record a maximum score of seven points 5:08 compared to 4.88 years ago.
He said the higher score reflects Malaysia's strong economic fundamentals and positive changes in the perception of respondents.
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